Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Nastiest Grimiest people are the most successful.

I think that I'm going to learn a lot about this REALITY.

This truth right here has me thinking about everything that this Society was built from..

I've witnessed crooks getting away, and the Judge would be the biggest crook himself.. 

Be aware that this is the kind of world where the power of manipulation rules.
A world where anyone can create a religion, moreover a wealthy following to build fortresses to backup their claim.
Having power over everyone who falls at the mercy of their own man made governed organized belief system. This is why religion isn't spoken of in the Public School System. 
In Addition where young black children get their education..Which in my opinion should be a whole new structured environment. 

Back to the Religion.

What religion has the strongest following? Who has the most power?
What religion is the most feared?
Should religion be feared?
In this world, in order to gain a following of believers, you have to instill fear into the minds of the  masses. 
What other power than the power of the imagination?
In this world we have phobias of the real, and the imagined. 
If the same stories have been written, and rewritten by man.. 
Repeat MAN.. Man who creates War, Man who is created with a mind full of masterful imagination. Men who invented society as it is today.. 

Why are so many following these Fables? For fear of the unknown, Because in this society where slaves were once hung.. anything they say goes.. 

Religions separate, and divide.. and if one were invented to integrate our Society.. Best Believe they'll 
expire before even a breath about it is uttered.. 
The same with free energy.. 

In a world where the nastiest of men run everything.. Ask yourself where the HEAVEN AND HELL lay?

This city is full of loving beautiful Men all over, but they're never running anything.. because, they're not heartless enough to destroy someone to get to the top.. 

That's how the World works, the city is run by crooks.. Because they have all the power, nothing can be said or done.. We can only watch as the drama unfolds.. 
We are coming into a new year where the Criminals are being protected by the same crooks who run the City.. 


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