Why was numerology created to prove? My Birthday is 1161981 My name is Bilqiys Salome Greene.. 2938971 113645 795555 My first name was Atheemah 128551418, So what do these numbers mean?
So, at first I Gathered up all of my own numbers... 7 which is my Birthday, adding my Birthday Left to right was a 9.. as the lowest common denominator.
Which brought me back to a 16 again.. and still I question.. Why??
Most of my life I didn't know my Fathers Birthday, or wouldnt dare to ask what it was..
But why know everyone's Birthday? Why would this be so important to me anyway?
The date you were born is the foundation of you life path.
Which means that you can use these numbers to guide you through life.. This date reveals First, what Parent your Soul is connected to, and it also compares you to
soul companions thoughout life..
By knowing your Family Members by dates, you can reveal personality traits, and compare them to each other..
People use Astrology as an attempt to predict personality traits, moreover generalizing them to a name in the Zodiac... For example, I would be a Capricorn.. But for someone who's not familiar with Astrology, being called a Capricorn would be irrelevant..
So from there, Who are we really?
So many books have been written about Astrology, and there are some for Numerology..
But they both fail to help you seek out where you really came from, or narrow the information down to a concise detailed illustration of where our energy is headed.. How we are all connected through time using a number pattern.. What number Pattern? Start with your Birth date..
Your Birth Month, Your Birthday, and your Birthyear have to be compatible with your life Partner in some shape or form. But, why is this important? Why even compare your Birthdate to another in your past? Because the gravitational pull of a number is a natural reality in itself..
and because time only flows forwards the only math that is needed is "Addition"
So what are Fractions for? What was Algebra invented to do? Multiplication, Division etc? To strengthen your Brain to help you remember formulas..
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