Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fear not.... Do not bow down religious beliefs, unproven, and Skeptical..

We are living in

world where we can only hope for a God to actually exist..

God is the Creator they say... But what if there was only Matter, light, and percentages of Gravity? Gravity can't be seen.. But it is in the Atmosphere among st other elements.. and Planes that we will never see in the conscious world.. 

So what NOW? This is my favorite question! So to Whom do we Pray to?

Whats PRayer? But an idea.. How do you Pray? By Asking? Although we close our eyes, and say a few words.. What did it actually do? Make you feel better.. but the situation you're in remains.. 
So what's Prayer?
 Is useless in this world.. We are all individuals who gravitate to each other, and work hard to make the world a better place... but they didn't sit around and pray for it to happen... The acted upon it.. 
Christians, Muslims... What is the difference?

They both follow a book with no passageway teaching all of us to integrate.. The 
Christian Religion is the White mans religion, is a White man as God.. 
Muslims Created am unseen force.. gave him a name.. and he is a he.. as its written.. Separate the Men, and the Women, that' is the Law of the Mosque..
Why? So the men wont get distracted by the Women.. Who are masters of revelation..
Women and Children together... While the Men pray without the Children.. 

Religion was Invented to tamed the minds of the Weary, also to gain power, and brain wash the masses.. S'p!!! Stop acting like you believe in Jesus.. There is more to this World than to worship a man who's Fabled stories that have been manipulated, an edited.. for Centries.. Keeping us lost.. Keeping us Afraid.. Religion brings people together.. but it can't BRING US ALL TOGETHER!

Everything in ancient tongue, or originally written in one foreign language limiting our interpretaion again written by MAN! Look around!! This is the kind of world where you can create religions...
Like everything else that holds this world its all about Money and power..

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