Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Psychology of Singing.

What Vocal Coaches Don't Teach.

There are so many vocal coaches that teach you breathing techniques, and ways to control the vocals. But the main thing they never discuss is "Confidence".

Of course a  vocal coach can't teach you how to have confidence.. Only YOU can right?
RIGHT! So the very thing that needs to be worked on is guess what? Your "Self Esteem".

What of you could sing better than Beyonce behind closed doors or if you're recording, but once someone asks you to sing,  you can't even find the words, or the song to sing so you ask.. 
"Uh so what do you want me to sing?" That's an example of lack of practice..

You have to be able to know enough songs and sing them all the time to be able to just sing a song off the top of your head..

Your Self Confidence is EVERYTHING you ARE!

It doesn't matter how good you are, if you're too scared to show it.. 
And that's the reason many great singers will never make it to be a star. 
How depressing is that? 

Stage fright is one thing, but what if there is no stage, or people, and you're even choking up while you're by yourself.. Are you afraid to even reveal your emotions to yourself? Because in order to really sing, you're going to have to let down your guard before you can take the next breath. You have to remind yourself that, you're just having a conversation poetically. 
This is a revelation of your soul, and you're going to have to do some soul searching to get there..

You're going to have to trick your mind.

Fool yourself.. Pretend that this is just a test, and that whatever happens will happen. These people don't know you anyway. You're going to have to release your anxiety in order to begin, singing. Because all of that tightness in your chest is STRESS.

I'll tell you how using these steps for example.

Step One.

Release all of the air that's trapped in your chest by Exhaling normally only. ence
Releasing outward is the reminder every time.

Step Two. 

Before taking a breath in, remind yourself that you are merely speaking, and not singing.
This will remind you to sing from the Diaphragm, instead of from your chest, and neck. 
Make the Ssss sound if needed. 

Step Three. 

As you take a breath in remember that the place you are singing from is the "Same Exact" place that you are speaking from.. That is a reminder for singers that have already established a singing voice, but have trouble finding the right place.


You are wasting your time if you can't hear whyat not to do while singing. 
You will hear whether or not you're being nasal, or stuck in Chest voice.. or even if your words are being understood or not.. This is the only way that you can learn from yourself.. 
Because you're not born KNOWING everything, and singing is SELF TAUGHT, no matter where you go. 

A natural singer, has to teach oneself how to correct mistakes.. No one can teach you how to sing better that you can. You can howl all day, and you'll never get better if you're straining, and ignoring yourself while you strain.. Because it's NOT Sexy.. Maybe if you're Keith Sweat, and he's pushing it.. LOL! WOoowoww Wooow Wow Woooow! 

100% percent of great singers practice to gain confidence.

 If you talk in a fair volume that's confidence.. But if you're asked to sing in the same exact Volume, and you're like a whisper or you lose control.. this should tell you the truth. If you sang everyday like a pro, you would know exactly what to do to prevent the loss of control.. Because once your muscles strengthen, you'll sing better than you've ever sang in your life!  So surprise yourself.. 

The End.


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